Hiroshi is a boy, a bit lazy in school and in his daily tasks. One day, fighting against his bullies classmates, Hiroshi accidentally fell over a frog who was jumping through Nerima, Tokyo Shakujii Park. Due to this incident, Pyonkichi, the frog, became a "flat frog" and his image and spirit get impregnated on Hiroshi's t-shirt. Due to this shirt being the only one that Hiroshi has kept in good shape, he is forced to wear it everyday, interacting with Pyonkichi and becoming friends.
Alternative Title: Dokonjou Gaeru
Network: Hungama TV
Language: Hindi
Quality: 720p
Season 1
Episode 07 - Say Ahhhhh!
Episode 09 - Pyonkichi's Home Run!
Episode 11 - My Maria
Episode 12 - Pyonkichi's Tearful Training
Episode 13 - The Great Teacher Mr. Machida
Episode 14 - Maria's Bad Habit
Season 4
Episode 19 - Pyonkichi's Weather Prediction!
Complete Hindi Dubbed Season 1 & 4 Added